The code behind OpenAustralia

A quick outline of how to contribute code to OpenAustralia:

Setting up

1. Follow the install directions and get the web application and parser up and running

2. Tell git your name and email address with:

$ git config --global "Your Name Comes Here"
$ git config --global

3. Go to and sign up for an account

4. Fork the following repositories:

Go to each repository with the links and click on the “fork” button.

If you plan to modify the perlib, phplib, rblib or shlib libraries as well (fairly unlikely) then you will need to fork these as well:

5. Upload your public SSH key to github. You will need this to be able to push changes to your forked repositories.

6. Tell git how to push changes to your repository on github

$ cd openaustralia-parser
$ git remote add github<your username>/openaustralia-parser.git 
$ cd ../twfy
$ git remote add github<your username>/twfy.git

7. Sign up for an account on

8. Email the developers mailing list, giving your JIRA username, asking to be given developer permissions.

This will give you extra priviliges including being able to assign tickets to yourself

Everything interesting happens here

1. Assign the ticket to yourself

This says to everyone “I’m working on it” unless you hear otherwise.

2. Make your changes and commit them

3. Once you are happy to publish the changes, push them to your forked repository on github

$ cd openaustralia-parser
$ git push github

3. Set the state of the ticket to “Resolved” and add a comment saying where to get the changes from

This is probably most easily just a link to commit/commits on github.

4. Reassign the ticket to “Matthew Landauer”, so that it can get merged in and released

When the change is merged in and released the ticket will be set to “Closed”.

That’s it!

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